Multi-Dimensional Cosmic Energy Healing And Light Language

Sit within the convergence of Universal and Divine Energies. It will connect with you and shift within you what’s needed at this point in your life

Snippets Of Past Group Energy Session

What To Expect


When you are connected with the “Energies”, you will be tapping into the collective field of higher consciousness. Clients have experienced the following and more ;


◊ An Awakening, Activation, Attunement, Enhanced Intuition


 Deeper connections with the Divine, Higher Self, Spiritual Essence


◊ Raising of energy vibrational levels and frequencies


◊ Releases from unwanted blockages, emotions


◊ Generational and Ancestral healing


◊ Feeling greater peace and clarity within


◊ Shifts in physical ailments, issues and pain


 Optimization the Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual body energy fields


 Optimization of Chakra systems

The Energy And Me

What Is It, Where Does It Come From


I cannot logically explain its source, but in all I have felt and seen, its undeniable that there is a creative energy force at play, something bigger than the human mind is able to comprehend. I call it Source Energy, some call it God.


The core of my energy work is based on these multidimensional frequencies / energies that are channeled through me, which can be said to be ancient and interwoven  though my interactions with it in my past lives on this realm and other dimensions. It’s innate to my Soul purpose and designed to function optimally for the newly emerging Human Energy System for these times. 2024 onwards is said to be a time where the Earth will go through changes like it never has before


These Energy Frequencies can be said to be the “fuel” to igniting the new Human Energy System and to enable recipients to experience higher vibrations, consciousness into the next levels and dimensions. These Energy Frequencies are now being used in ways its never been used before. Its purpose is to “potentiate” : i.e., to facilitate the upgrading and expanded potential of the “new human” consciousness and to help them reach levels they’ve not gone to before. Part of this process is to balance, align and optimize one’s energy fields multi-dimensionally and prepares one to connect further to their divinity, essentially transforming them to newer and improved versions of themselves.


My Role


I now understand why I was put on this earth, to do what I am doing now. That understanding started to emerge for me at the age of 53. In 2024 I will be 63 and I am still discovering more each day.


I  am a clear and open Energy Channel, otherwise referred to a Conduit, a Gateway, a Frequency Modulator. My gift is the ability to bring through and hold very high energy frequencies. One very gifted psychic, using a metaphor, mentioned that while most people are like e.g. a 36 watt bulb, I in turn am a 360 watt bulb, which explains why I have the capacity to bring through what I do, where most others can’t. These gifts are innate to me through generational, family lines, my past lives and part of my soul purpose.


While I have been and trained in a few healing modalities, namely Spiritual SurgeryPranic Healing (Level 3) and certain high multidimensional energy frequencies, what I do now has grown organically with me as has the Light Language which is integral to my work.


While what I do by its very nature and makeup consists of elements of healing , I however do not regard myself as the healer (as is the traditional concept), but I am a Facilitator of the Divine and Universal energy which is channeled through me based on my connection with my Higher Self / I Am Presence and unison with my Spiritual Guides and The Ascended Masters. I am not here to heal you or fix you, but to facilitate you receiving what you need to on your journey.


I work very intuitively, with a sense of guided knowing and this is delivered through my mere presence and through intention in the form of hands-on and/or hand-off healing work  (i.e., one-on-one or on a Group Session basis) and via Distance Healing as well.


I employ an authentic, down to earth, intuitive yet pragmatic approach.  There is no fluff, no frills, no rituals, no ceremonies, no symbolisms in what I do, just simply straight on Energy Work, I think it and it happens. I rely on guided intuition the purity and intelligence of the energies that I channel through to direct what’s necessary.


Further readings ;



Ways In Which To Experience The Energies

In Person Sessions

Free Energy Transmissions

Remote / Distant Sessions

Group Energy Healing Sessions

Session Structure And Outcomes


Sessions start of with a consultation to enable me to understand clients’ underlying issues and desires. During this time I receive lots of guided messages on how to proceed. Too I bring in my bag of tools and wealth of knowledge as a Cognitive Therapist, Mindset and Spiritual Coach.


Sessions typically run for 90mins, sometimes more. Where needed, some work with the deep subconscious is also applied to facilitate shifts needed.


The Energy delivers and engages at any or all of the levels of the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritually Bodies. The examples of outcomes are as described at the top of this page. The participants will typically receive what they need to get & also dependent on where they are at with regards their energy vibrational levels, how receptive their body is to energy work and their spiritual journey.


The nature of the healing energy is such that it can be quite a powerful effect for some while being gentle on others. One can also expect to experience sensations, cleansing / clearing post session. In certain cases existing issues can get worse post session before improvement is seen.


Clients have reported experiencing a wide range of effects. From an awesome “big wow” effect, seeing flashes of light or colors, feeling heat/cold, tingly energetic sensations, drifting out of consciousness, an out of body experience, feeling just nice, feeling a sense of release & peace, stillness within, visions & messages, visitations from persons since passed, or down to very subtle sensations of energy


Quite often too, as a residual impact of the energy work, I may be guided to impart onto participants, intuitive messages channelled thru which are relevant for them in their current situation.



We at Inner Alignment, Perth do not, nor are we qualified to diagnose ailments, conditions  or medical issues. While recipients we have worked with have indeed received benefits, we do not claim these modalities to be a definitive cure for  ailments, conditions etc. of individuals. These modalities are intended to serve as complimentary to whatever treatment or care one is currently receiving or undergoing.

Regardless of the outcome of these sessions or benefits received, we highly recommend that any decision to alter existing treatment, care or medication be done only upon due consultation with a medical professional/ related therapeutical consultants.

One important consideration here is that, with the nature of the natural order of healing, whatever ailments, conditions, etc. that the individual suffers from, may & can in fact be aggravated and get worse before any improvement is seen.

Energy Healing works, regardless of one’s religious inclination or internal belief systems. The only perquisite  we suggest for prospective clients is to come with an open mind and bring with them, the want and desire to receive healing and to get better!

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To book in an appointment or enquire more, please do give us a call on 0421 6858 66 or email us at .

