Group Spiritual Energy Healing

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” Come sit within the convergence of Universal and Divine Energies. It will connect with you and shift within you what’s needed at this point in your life. I am but the conduit to channel through & facilitate this energy “

I have been born with natural healing gifts, which opened up late in life for me and I also work with other high frequency energies and Light Language.

In doing so, I claim not to be a healer, but a conduit or facilitator of  Divine and Universal energy. This is channeled through me based on my connection with my Higher Self and Source Energy. The energies for which I am a conduit of, facilitates and promotes healing at multi levels and also works with and expedites the self healing mechanisms within your own body.

Working intuitively, I create the energetical space for you to sit within and rely solely on the purity and intelligence of the energies that I channel through to direct what’s necessary. Being guided by my Higher Self and the Divine, I allow the energy to direct me in what to do and in how and where my hands are placed.

One can expect the Energy to work at any or all of the levels of the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual / Galatic Bodies. The participants will typically receive what they need to get & also dependent on where they are at with regards their energy vibrational levels, how receptive their body is to energy work and their spiritual journey.

Potentially experience;

  • emotional shifts and releases from blockages
  • deeper connections with the Divine & Higher Self, raising of vibrational levels
  • activations to connect one further to their life purpose
  • shifts in physical ailments, issues or pain
  • optimization of one’s energy and energy centers (charkas)

Tony Ratnam Energy Healing

The sessions are  typically a “hands on body” healing session, hence while bringing the energy for the group, I will also work on each person individually, which can involve him placing his hands on various parts of the participants body, while naturally being respectful at all times. For those who do not wish to be touched, the energies will still flow all the same regardless.

As a residual impact of the energy work, I may be guided to impart onto participants, intuitive messages channelled thru which are relevant for them in their current situation.

Clients / participants who have received the energy work  have reported a variety of shifts, spiritually,  mentally and emotionally. Their experiences in that have ranged  from an awesome “big wow” effect, seeing flashes of light or colors, feeling heat/cold, tingly energetic sensations, drifting out of consciousness, an out of body experience, feeling just nice, feeling a sense of release & peace, stillness within, visions & messages, visitations from persons since passed, conversations with light beings  …. or down to very subtle sensations of energy.

Read testimonials at


The nature of the healing energy is such that it can be quite a powerful effect for some while being gentle on others. One can also expect to experience sensations, cleansing / clearing post session. In certain cases existing issues can get worse post session before improvement is seen.

To note that these group sessions are a variant / condensed version of what may I do in one-on-one sessions, which are usually more personalized and comprehensive.

The group sessions will generally involve participants lying down at floor level, so do bring along a yoga mat or something comfortable to lay down on, a pillows/cushions, blanket(s) and also water to drink. For those who have difficulty lying down, chairs will be provided.

Do come with an open mind, open heart, to trust and accept in the process and to be receptive towards receiving and sitting within the energy space.

Contact Tony at 0421 6858 66 or if you have any questions in the interim.

Exchange $45 per person